

Monday, March 24, 2014

Good numbers for a lousy Monday

The NotSpot℠ score for this inhospitable Monday is a better than average 29 -- the best Monday station performance in nine weeks.

The available bike count hit a high of 4596 this morning, 600 more than were in the docks Friday evening and the highest number since since Monday Jan 26 when the count hit 4648.

Monday Profile

WEEK 1229
WEEK 1133
WEEK 1035
WEEK 939
WEEK 841
WEEK 732
WEEK 644
WEEK 530
WEEK 435
WEEK 318
WEEK 222
WEEK 118

King of All NotSpots
The King barricaded Concord St & Bridge St at the edge of Downtown Brooklyn for 7 hours starting at 7:30 am

Available bicycle count

Bikes available at 5:30 pm today: 4350
Bikes available at  5:30 pm Friday: 3956
Bikes available at  5:30 pm a week ago: 3901

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