Saturday, December 20, 2014

Worst week yet for empty Citi Bike stations. Need more feet on the street

We will record about 450,000 rides this December, about 60% lower than the highest usage of the year, in July. Yet two weeks in December have been the most imbalanced of the year.
When we compare the five weeks of July to the last five weeks of deep autumn, the average NotSpot Index is 31 vs. 43. So with 60 percent less pressure on the system, service -- in terms of being able to get a bike -- deteriorates by 40%. What’s up with that?

Since the new owners took over on Oct. 31, there’s been plenty of talk of having deep pockets, like this from new Alta CEO Jay Walder in New York magazine:
“(The new owners) said, ‘Go to it, you have our full support, invest money.’ They know that we need to continue to build up our human resources, our skills, our knowledge base in different areas. Clearly -- clearly -- they are looking to make sure that we are delivering on the things that we need to do. And there are 8 million people in the City of New York who will be watching that, too.
We continue to press the point: Keeping the system near balance is, as Mr. Walder puts it,  a matter of “human resources.” Citi Bike proved last summer (that lovely swath of green in the middle of the chart) that they can keep the system near balance.
Last Monday at 9:30 am, 25 percent of stations had no bikes. Time to put your money where your mouth is, Citi Bike. Get more feet on the street.

The O’Brien map
NYC Bike Share monthly reports

Tool: Datawrapper

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