Number of available bikes at 5:30 pm weekdays, Jan 5 to Apr 30 |
If you’ve been wondering if torrential rain has any upside at all, we have the answer for you. Because five inches of rain and gusts to 40 pretty much cleared the streets of Citi Bikers on Wednesday, we get a good picture of how many bikes the system operators are currently deploying.
We’ve tagged four rainstorms this year that affected the system like Wednesday’s did.Those are the red columns.
Jan 5 4226
Jan 11 5198
Jan 14 5061
Apr 30 4589
Record high: 5674 on Jan 18
Record low: 3160 on Feb 19
We suspect you have the same question that we do: Why, in a Spring week that hosted not only that nasty storm but also, on Monday, the new Worst Day of the Year, are there more than 1000 fewer available bikes than there were at the beginning of Winter?
The low point, Feb 19, was in the aftermath of one of February’s snowstorms.
Wouldn't it be more helpful to compare available bikes in the middle of the night (like at 3am) rather than 5.30pm?